Missions Unit
Missions & Outreach
Bronx Baptist Church is deeply conscious of the missional purpose of the church, and seeks to never to lose sight of this urgency. Past sponsored missions have included, Wake-Eden Community Baptist Church, Honeywell Baptist Chapel, Inter-denominational Fellowship of Co-op City, Grace Baptist Chapel, and the Haitian Bronx Baptist Church.
Currently, the Bronx Baptist Church sponsors four church plants – the Kenyan Fellowship Church in New Jersey (Pastor John Ronoh), Power Point Baptist Church also in New Jersey (Pastor Cephas Agbesi), and ByStorm Church here in the Bronx (Pastor Jimi Orekoya). The fourth church plant is a sponsorship of A Better City Movement Church (Pastor Israel Kelly); in which we partnered to establish a Hispanic work in the immediate neighborhood of the church. This partnership began in January 2015 and involves offering services in Spanish, and joint services once per quarter in English and Spanish.
In addition, over the years, the Bronx Baptist Church has been supported in its efforts by the work of many volunteer missionaries over the years. These missionaries have served for varying lengths of time as teachers, Day Camp counselors, evangelists, and have assisted in minor building repairs. Over the years approximately 1000 missionaries from over 30 states have come to Bronx Baptist Church to work in the community. Today, this legacy continues as we engage missionaries annually to serve in the community.
As the church looks to the future, the goals set for the next decade are the following: First, to expand the educational ministry of the church to better meet the needs of the community; Second, to further develop a leaders discipleship institute to equip member and church leaders with the tools and courage to reach an ethnically diverse community; Third, to realize a congregational body that reflects the ethnic diversity of this community; and Forth, to plant/ sponsor 5 additional congregations locally and beyond.
Since its beginning in 1964 the mission of the Bronx Baptist Church has been to “Communicate the Changeless Christ in a Changing World.” Today, this mission continues and we exist to: “make disciples who communicate Christ, influence the culture, and impact the community.” One of the ways we impact the community is through our food distribution program, which began in 1983.
In March when NYC and other parts of the country shut down, food scarcity became a sudden reality for many families. During this time, we continued to operate our Food Program. As of Saturday, July 25, 2020, we have distributed food for over 2,685 meals to families in our Day Care Center and the immediate church community.
The social reach of the church extends into the area of health, education, and housing. The Medical Fellowship, composed of healthcare workers of the congregation, ministers to the health related needs of the Church members and the community through seminars, blood pressure, CPR training, an annual health fair, HIV testing, and nursing care for very ill members as needed. With assistance from Federal funds the church operates a Food Pantry program to benefit needy families in the community. A monthly Soup Kitchen operates year round.
Early childhood education with a spiritual dimension is provided by a fully licensed Day Care program. Each year a Summer Day Camp and Vacation Bible School, respectively, minister to social and spiritual needs of children in the community children and provides a work site for City Summer Youth workers. Along with other churches in the Bronx and through the active participation of the Founding Pastor in community organizations, Bronx Baptist Church was instrumental in organizing the Twin Parks Association, which provided 3000 units of low income housing, two Day Centers, and a number of amenities. Bronx Baptist Church continues to be a part of the struggle to obtain more and better housing, schools, sanitation, and medical care for the Bronx community residents.